Monday, October 8, 2007

BADASS MOFOs at San Diego Asian Film Festival 2007

BADSS MOFOs©James Jaculina

Poster Design by Jodii Tseng

The weekend of Octber 13th, Badass Mofos will be showing Ultrastar mission Theatre 1 Eastlake for the show Animation: The Illusion of Life. It's goiing to be awesome!!!!!! (que monster truck voice) BE THERE!!! BE THERE!!! BE THERE!!! BE THERE!!! BE THERE!!! OR BE SQUARE!!!!!!!!!!

I do need to clarify one thing, though this is an homage to action movies, I never said my character was Bruce Lee. Moreover, I certainly don't want to be the guy riding his coat-tails like so many others who did after his death.

Nevertheless, Badass Mofos is a Retro-Pshycadellic Thrill Ride Packed-Full of Megaton Fury and the Ladies of course. AH!! YEAHhhh!!!! get ready to watch THE FUN boys and girls.

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